July 10 2024 10:15 h

Monitoring with opsi

Talk by
Eric Esser (Independent Developer)
Thomas Trapp (uib gmbh)

With opsi, IT environments can be managed quickly and easily. The IT environment is usually monitored using dedicated monitoring tools such as Icinga or CheckMK. When it comes to opsi, the services to be monitored can be divided into four subject areas:

  • opsi Server
  • Status of software packages already rolled out in the environment
  • Rollout of new software and distribution of updates
  • Dedicated client monitoring

Each of these areas has its own monitoring requirements and must be considered separately. In addition, the choice of monitoring tool also results in different approaches. By implementing dedicated plug-ins for the different checks, an attempt is made to take the UNIX philosophy into account.

Thomas Trapp and Eric Esser have looked into these questions and will present what would be of interest in monitoring opsi in this talk and show one or two prototype plugins as a proof of concept. The format is more of a presentation of ideas and thoughts and any comments, requests and feedback from the community are very welcome.
Eric Esser

Eric Esser

Independent developer

Eric Esser holds a Bachelor’s degree in Media Informatics and a Master’s degree in Documentary Filmmaking. He took an unexpected turn and now finds himself in system administration. He enjoys working with opsi, Nextcloud, and Icinga, and contributes to the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, Sea-Watch, and the Reporting Office for Antigypsyism (Meldestelle Antiziganismus). At heart, though, he’s truly a bartender.

Thomas Trapp

Thomas Trapp

uib GmbH

Thomas has been with uib GmbH since 2018, ensuring the smooth operation of the internal IT environment, which is, of course, managed with opsi. He also occasionally helps out with support.