opsiconf 2022 in Mainz: opsi Ahoy!

opsiconf 2022 in Mainz: opsi Ahoy!

Two years of calm waters are behind us, and we have reduced social contacts and work relationships to a minimum. From my home office, I have at least gotten to know some of the opsi team members online, but there’s nothing like meeting them in real life. When I set off from Lübeck in the morning of June 2, 2022, I was in a great mood—cast off, sails set, and off to the opsiconf in Mainz!

Everyone on Track: the Workshops

It was the third opsiconf, which took place on June 2 and 3, 2022 in Mainz. Since I am still relatively new to opsi, I was happy that on Wednesday afternoon it was straight down to business. Two workshops ran in parallel: one on packaging (Detlef Oertel and Matthias Knauer) and one on the opsi server (Erol Ülükmen and Jan Schneider), in which I got a seat.

I unpacked the laptop, took a sip of coffee, and then we were off: Erol quickly introduced the participants to Docker and Co. After 30 min of full speed ahead, a first interim conclusion: “I said 20 min wasn’t enough, I hope there are no questions, let’s move on!” And with that, Jan took the helm.

Install Docker, copy container image with opsi 4.2 from USB stick to disk, listen (“Attention, an important announcement: do not start containers yet! I repeat: do not start containers yet!”), configure and start opsi server, install packages, get opsi client running via RDP software… The pace remained high and I really learned a lot—many thanks for this fantastic workshop day!

Soon may the Wellerman come…

…not to bring us sugar and tea and rum, but to entertain us for the evening. All 90 participants of the opsiconf (70 conference visitors and 20 uib employees) boarded the “Möve” at 6:30 pm to spend the evening together on the river Rhine. The social event took place on a cruise ship that took us from Mainz to Rüdesheim and back.

After Captain Erol had welcomed the opsi crew on board, we went up the Rhine in the evening sun. On the “Möve” there was enough space for all of us. Everywhere small groups gathered at the tables or on the sun deck. Technical discussions, exchange of ideas, and conversations without a screen in between us—crew and guests had a great evening. The weather was terrific, the catering excellent and the atmosphere great.

On Board: the Conference Day

The next morning the conference day started right on time at 9 am. The organizers had put together an excellent program: from innovations in opsi-script, to automation of packaging and testing with GitLab CI/CD and the presentation of the new opsi web interface, everyone found what they were looking for.

In addition there were several presentations about opsi in real life. Rico Barth (c.a.p.e. IT) and Karsten Veers (Europa-Universität Flensburg) talked about the integration of opsi and the service management KIX. The use of opsi at the civilian sea rescue organization Sea-Watch e. V. was also the topic of a real life report.

With an outlook on opsi 5.0 and a discussion session the third opsiconf came to an end. The course to the next major release is set, but there is no deadline yet—to say it with the words of Birgit Hubal: " Those who finish earlier, have a longer break!"

I really look forward to the next opsiconf, hopefully in two years time. See you there, may you have fair winds and following seas!

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