opsi-configed 4.3.6: A Big Step Forward

opsi-configed 4.3.6: A Big Step Forward

UI Modernization Continues

With version 4.3, we took the first significant step towards modernizing the opsi-configed over a year ago. A new theme introduced a fresh look, new opsi colors, and support for a dark mode. Now, with opsi-configed 4.3.6, we are consistently continuing this process, bringing key improvements that not only enhance the user interface but also optimize performance and usability.

New Icons for a Modern Look

One of the major highlights of this release is the complete overhaul of all icons. Instead of the previous PNG files, we now use scalable SVG icons from the IntelliJ icon library. This ensures sharp symbols at any size, greater flexibility, and improved clarity, especially in dark mode. This not only makes visual orientation easier but also ensures a modern and consistent appearance.

The file menu benefits from new icons

New Layout and Optimized Navigation

With version 4.3.6, the navigation bar has been moved from the top right to the left side. It now provides access to seven main views: Client Configuration, Depot Configuration, Server Configuration, Dashboard, opsi Module Validation Status, Health Check, and License Management. The color of the opsi module validation icon directly indicates the validation status. Green indicates that everything is within the normal range. A yellow icon warns if predefined limit values are exceeded. A red icon indicates expired or exceeded licenses. This visual support makes it easier to see important system information at a glance.

A warning limit for a module appears to have been exceeded here

Additionally, elements that were previously displayed in separate windows are now integrated directly into the main window. Another improvement enhances clarity: Unnecessary tabs in the Client, Depot, and Server Configuration sections are now hidden, keeping the interface clean and easy to navigate.

We have also redesigned the top bar. The title of the currently active view is now always displayed in the center. On the top left, you will always find icons for a full reload and saving, while on the top right, icons for specific actions within the main views are available. In the Client Configuration, for example, there are two icons: one for the client search and one for creating a new client.

Additionally, the Host Configuration, Depot Configuration, and the management of Product Property States have been redesigned for a more intuitive design. Boolean values are now represented by a checkbox, and values can be edited directly within the view without opening an additional window.

Product properties can now be edited more easily

Another central element benefiting from the redesign is the server console: It has been moved from the top menu bar to the lower left to bring this powerful tool more into focus.

We have also refined many details: Improved spacing between and sizes of UI elements as well as a clearly defined layout ensure a harmonious overall look. The new dialog windows follow modern UI/UX principles, ensuring an appealing and efficient user experience. We deliberately chose a single-column layout as it has proven to be more user-friendly. It reduces input errors and makes it easier to absorb content since the eye follows a single vertical line instead of navigating a complex Z-shaped pattern.

Layouts have been revised

Improved Performance for a Smoother Experience

Targeted code optimizations have reduced resource-intensive operations. The result: improved response times and significantly reduced loading times. Users with extensive configurations will particularly benefit from the enhanced performance. Additionally, we have successfully parallelized server requests, providing an extra boost.

Conclusion: A Modern opsi-configed for the Future

With version 4.3.6, the UI modernization of opsi-configed reaches an important milestone. The new icons, performance enhancements, and redesigned layout ensure a modern, clear, and efficient application. Working with opsi-configed is now not only more enjoyable but also more efficient.

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