opsi at it-sa 2023: A Recap of a Highly Successful Exhibition

opsi at it-sa 2023: A Recap of a Highly Successful Exhibition

From October 10th to 12th 2023 the it-sa Expo&Congress took place in Nuremberg. Once again, we proudly participated as an exhibitor at Europe’s premier IT security trade fair, showcasing opsi in its fresh, new design.

Fresh Look and new Features in opsi 4.3

Our booth at it-sa was decorated with our brand-new logo and the refreshed opsi colors. It was a great pleasure to introduce our guests at it-sa to our contemporary design. As we celebrated a significant milestone, opsi received a sleek and modern makeover just in time for our anniversary, a transformation we proudly unveiled in September 2023. We’re thrilled by the overwhelmingly positive response, which came not only from our loyal opsi users but also from other visitors.

We also presented the new Testing Release for opsi 4.3 at our booth. We are proud of the upcoming version, and it was a pleasure to present the new features in person, giving attendees a firsthand look at what’s on the horizon.

Are you eager to test the new features firsthand? If so, you can upgrade your opsi environment from opsi 4.2 to opsi 4.3.

Supporting Open Source

At it-sa, we had the pleasure of connecting with numerous Open Source enthusiasts, allowing us to provide a deeper understanding of opsi. All in all, the event offered many opportunities for exciting conversations, to meet customers, and to collect valuable feedback from our opsi user community. It was just the right place for knowledge exchange and networking with like-minded individuals passionate about IT security and Open Source technologies.

Looking forward to 2024

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the visitors who brought our booth to life at it-sa 2023. Your presence truly made the event a real success for us.

For those who missed us at the trade fair, we have good news: Next year, we’ll be back at it-sa Expo&Congress. We’re already looking forward to presenting more thrilling advancements and innovations from opsi. See you next year!

Photos from it-sa 2023

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