Erol Ülükmen

Erol Ülükmen

Erol is a uib staff member since 2003. He worked as a core opsi developer for 10 years. Since 2016 he is a managing director at uib, before that he was a leading developer in the opsi project. He has worked in a big datacenter in Germany for five years with a focus on Unix/Linux-administration and infrastructure services.

opsi at T-DOSE 2023: A personal Report

opsi at T-DOSE 2023: A personal Report

On the 22nd and 23rd of April, T-DOSE 2023 took place at its new location, the Weeffabriek in Geldrop, near Eindhoven. Together with my colleague Terry Strooband, I was happy to present opsi at the Technical Dutch Open Source Event.

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